Set a due date: in the subject field, you can include a date along your task summary.Email address that don't match a Workast account will be ignored. Adding followers: Email addresses that you include in the CC: field will be added as followers in the task.Assign the task: If you include other email addresses in the To: field along with the space email, those will be assigned to the task.If you don't want to receive this, you can turn that off by clicking on the checkbox "Don't send confirmation" Customizing the task Once the task is created, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the task. If you want to authorize other email accounts to create tasks, you can add them under "External addresses" to explicitly authorize them to create tasks. This is to prevent spammers from creating tasks. Important: for the task to be created, you need to send the email from the same email address that is associated with your Workast account, otherwise it won't work. The subject will be used as the summary of the task and the body of the email as description. In this example, the unique email address for the space is Try sending an email to that address to see how it works. Once you click the icon, a dialog will open showing your space email address and other options To find the email address to use to create a task in your space, click on the envelope icon in the top right of your space, in the extensions bar. This is great to turn an existing email into a task, or to quickly create a task without having to switch applications.

You can create tasks from your email client (like Gmail, Outlook, etc) by simply sending an email to the unique email address associated with a space.